


org 100h
section .text
mov ax, 4F02h
mov bx, 102h
int 10h       ; enter 800x600 16 color VGA mode
push 0x01     ; blue
call fill_screen
push 0x2      ; green
call fill_screen
jmp $
; multiply screen width by height then divide by 8 to get number of times to repeat write operation, push to stack
mov ax, [screen_width]
mov dx, [screen_height]
mul dx
mov cx, 8
div cx
push ax
; point es to video memory
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax
pop cx  ; times to repeat write operation
pop dx  ; return address
pop ax  ; color 
push dx ; put return address back on stack

mov dx, 03c4h ; register selection port
shl ax, 8     ; color is one byte, it was in al but we need it in ah so shift left one byte
mov al, 02h   ; map mask
out dx, ax    ; write all the bitplanes
xor di, di    ; video memory pointer to start
mov ax, 0ffh  ; write to every pixel
rep stosb
section .data
screen_width dw 320h
screen_height dw 258h


mov ax,1803h
mov dx,03CEh
out dx,ax

当我在第6行(int 10h)之后添加这个时,什么也没有发生,代码的输出仍然是纯白色的。由于蓝色或绿色与蓝色或绿色相同,我将绿色输入更改为品红色(使第9行push 0x5)。输出现在是洋红色的,这意味着内存仍然处于或模式,而不是在异或模式。

org 100h
section .text
mov ax, 4F02h
mov bx, 102h
int 10h       ; enter 800x600 16 color VGA mode
; switch to XOR write mode (?)
mov ax, 1803h
mov dx, 03CEh
out dx, ax
push 0x01 ; blue
call fill_screen
push 0x5 ; magenta
call fill_screen
jmp $
; multiply screen width by height then divide by 8 to get number of times to repeat write operation, push to stack
mov ax, [screen_width]
mov dx, [screen_height]
mul dx
mov cx, 8
div cx
push ax
; point es to video memory
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax
pop cx  ; times to repeat write operation
pop dx  ; return address
pop ax  ; color 
push dx ; put return address back on stack
mov dx, 03c4h ; register selection port
shl ax, 8     ; color is one byte, it was in al but we need it in ah so shift left one byte
mov al, 02h   ; map mask
out dx, ax    ; write all the bitplanes
xor di, di    ; video memory pointer to start
mov ax, 0ffh  ; write to every pixel
rep stosb
section .data
screen_width dw 320h
screen_height dw 258h


关于VGA硬件的一些参考:https://wiki.osdev.org/VGA_Hardware, https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs140/projects/pintos/specs/freevga/vga/vgamem.htm



mov ax,0003h
mov dx,03CEh
out dx,ax

同样,当写入到03c4h/reg 2时,您设置了一个掩码,该掩码将应用于所有对显存的写入,过滤您写入的每个位。将掩码设置为0Fh将允许按预期写入所有位。如果你不使用掩码值0Fh(这是你的情况,你用你的颜色填充它),那么掩码的0位将从锁存寄存器中取出,因为你不读取,所以你不设置。


mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0F02h
out dx,ax
mov es:[di], <color> ; example write


mov bl, es:[di] ; ignore bl if not needed
mov es:[di], <color> ; example write with VGA operations

