用TypeScript扩展Express Response.render()类型定义


import { Response } from "express";
import { Product } from "../models/Product.interface";
export interface ProductListResponse extends Response {
render: (view: string, options?: { products: Product[] }) => void;


render(view: string, options?: object, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void;
render(view: string, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void;


src/routes/product.interface.ts:13:18 - error TS2430: Interface 'ProductListResponse' incorrectly extends interface 'Response<any, Record<string, any>>'.
Types of property 'render' are incompatible.
Type '(view: string, options: { products: Product[]; }) => void' is not assignable to type '{ (view: string, options?: object, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void; (view: string, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void; }'.
Types of parameters 'options' and 'callback' are incompatible.
Property 'products' is missing in type '(err: Error, html: string) => void' but required in type '{ products: Product[]; }'.
13 export interface ProductListResponse extends Response {
14     render(view: string, options: { products: Product[] }): void;
'products' is declared here.

Found 2 errors.



interface ProductListResponse extends Omit<Response, 'render'> {
render: (view: string, options?: { products: Product[] }) => void;


import express, { Response } from 'express';
interface Product {}
export interface ProductListResponse extends Response {
render(view: string, options?: { products: Product[] }): void;
render(view: string, options?: object, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void;
render(view: string, callback?: (err: Error, html: string) => void): void;
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res: ProductListResponse) => {
res.render('index', { products: [] });


import express, { Response } from 'express';
interface Product {}
export interface ProductListResponse {
render(view: string, options?: { products: Product[] }): void;
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res: ProductListResponse & Response) => {
res.render('index', { products: [] });

TypeScript version:4.4.4