




import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import csv

class Actor(object):
"""An actor with bounded rationality.
The methods on this class such as u_success, u_failure, eu_challenge are
meant to be calculated from the actor's perspective, which in practice
means that the actor's risk aversion is always used, including to calculate
utilities for other actors.
I don't understand why an actor would assume that other actors share the
same risk aversion, or how this implies that it is from the given actor's
point of view, but as far as I can tell this is faithful to BDM's original
formulation as well as Scholz's replication.
def __init__(self, name, c, s, x, model, r=1.0):
self.name = name
self.c = c  # capabilities, float between 0 and 1
self.s = s  # salience, float between 0 and 1
self.x = x  # number representing position on an issue
self.model = model
self.r = r  # risk aversion, float between .5 and 2
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(x=%s,c=%s,s=%s,r=%.2f)' % (
self.name, self.x, self.c, self.s, self.r)
def compare(self, x_j, x_k, risk=None):
"""Difference in utility to `self` between positions x_j and x_k."""
risk = risk or self.r
position_range = self.model.position_range
x_k_distance = (abs(self.x - x_k) / position_range) ** risk
x_j_distance = (abs(self.x - x_j) / position_range) ** risk
return self.c * self.s * (x_k_distance - x_j_distance)
def u_success(self, actor, x_j):
"""Utility to `actor` successfully challenging position x_j."""
position_range = self.model.position_range
val = 0.5 - 0.5 * abs(actor.x - x_j) / position_range
return 2 - 4 * val ** self.r
def u_failure(self, actor, x_j):
"""Utility to `actor` of failing in challenge position x_j."""
position_range = self.model.position_range
val = 0.5 + 0.5 * abs(actor.x - x_j) / position_range
return 2 - 4 * val ** self.r
def u_status_quo(self):
"""Utility to `self` of the status quo."""
return 2 - 4 * (0.5 ** self.r)
def eu_challenge(self, actor_i, actor_j):
"""Expected utility to `actor_i' of `actor_i` challenging `actor_j`.
This is calculated from the perspective of actor `self`, which in
practice means that `self.r` is used for risk aversion.
prob_success = self.model.probability(actor_i.x, actor_j.x)
u_success = self.u_success(actor_i, actor_j.x)
u_failure = self.u_failure(actor_i, actor_j.x)
u_status_quo = self.u_status_quo()
eu_resist = actor_j.s * (
prob_success * u_success + (1 - prob_success) * u_failure)
eu_not_resist = (1 - actor_j.s) * u_success
eu_status_quo = self.model.q * u_status_quo
return eu_resist + eu_not_resist - eu_status_quo
def danger_level(self):
"""The amount of danger the actor is in from holding its policy position.
The smaller this number is, the more secure the actor is, in that it
expects fewer challenges to its position from other actors.
return sum(self.eu_challenge(other_actor, self) for other_actor
in self.model.actors if other_actor != self)
def risk_acceptance(self):
"""Actor's risk acceptance, based on its current policy position.
I have two comments:
- It seems to me that BDM's intent was that in order to calculate
risk acceptance, one would need to compare an actor's danger level
across different policy positions that the actor could hold. Instead,
Scholz compares the actor's danger level to the danger level of all
other actors. This comparison doesn't seem relevant, given that other
actors will have danger levels not possible for the given actor
because of differences in salience and capability.
- Even (what I assume to be) BDM's original intention is an odd way to
calculate risk acceptance, given that the actor's policy position may
have been coerced, rather than having been chosen by the actor based
on its security preferences.
# Alternative calculation, which I think is more faithful to
# BDM's original intent.
# orig_position = self.x
# possible_dangers = []
# for position in self.model.positions():
#     self.x = position
#     possible_dangers.append(self.danger_level())
# self.x = orig_position
# max_danger = max(possible_dangers)
# min_danger = min(possible_dangers)
# return ((2 * self.danger_level() - max_danger - min_danger) /
#         (max_danger - min_danger))
danger_levels = [actor.danger_level() for actor in self.model.actors]
max_danger = max(danger_levels)
min_danger = min(danger_levels)
return ((2 * self.danger_level() - max_danger - min_danger) /
(max_danger - min_danger))
def risk_aversion(self):
risk = self.risk_acceptance()
return (1 - risk / 3.0) / (1 + risk / 3.0)
def best_offer(self):
offers = defaultdict(list)
for other_actor in self.model.actors:
if self.x == other_actor.x:
offer = Offer.from_actors(self, other_actor)
if offer:
best_offer = None
best_offer_key = lambda offer: abs(self.x - offer.position)
# This is faithful to Scholz' original code, but it appears to be a
# mistake, since Scholz' paper and BDM clearly state that each actor
# chooses the offer that requires him to change position the
# least. Instead, Scholz included a special case for compromises which
# results in some bizarre behavior, particularly in Round 4 when
# Belgium compromises with Netherlands to an extreme position rather
# than with France.
def compromise_best_offer_key(offer):
top = (abs(offer.eu) * offer.actor.x +
abs(offer.other_eu) * offer.other_actor.x)
return top / (abs(offer.eu) + abs(offer.other_eu))
if offers['confrontation']:
best_offer = min(offers['confrontation'], key=best_offer_key)
elif offers['compromise']:
best_offer = min(offers['compromise'],
elif offers['capitulation']:
best_offer = min(offers['capitulation'], key=best_offer_key)
return best_offer

class Offer(object):
CONFRONTATION = 'confrontation'
COMPROMISE = 'compromise'
CAPITULATION = 'capitulation'
def __init__(self, actor, other_actor, offer_type, eu, other_eu, position):
if offer_type not in self.OFFER_TYPES:
raise ValueError('offer_type "%s" not in %s'
% (offer_type, self.OFFER_TYPES))
self.actor = actor  # actor receiving the offer
self.other_actor = other_actor  # actor proposing the offer
self.offer_type = offer_type
self.eu = eu
self.other_eu = other_eu
self.position = position
def from_actors(cls, actor, other_actor):
eu_ij = actor.eu_challenge(actor, other_actor)
eu_ji = actor.eu_challenge(other_actor, actor)
if eu_ji > eu_ij > 0:
offer_type = cls.CONFRONTATION
position = other_actor.x
elif eu_ji > 0 > eu_ij and eu_ji > abs(eu_ij):
offer_type = cls.COMPROMISE
concession = (other_actor.x - actor.x) * abs(eu_ij / eu_ji)
position = actor.x + concession
elif eu_ji > 0 > eu_ij and eu_ji < abs(eu_ji):
offer_type = cls.CAPITULATION
position = other_actor.x
return None
return cls(actor, other_actor, offer_type, eu_ij, eu_ji, position)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
type_to_fmt = {
self.CONFRONTATION: '%s loses confrontation to %s',
self.COMPROMISE: '%s compromises with %s',
self.CAPITULATION: '%s capitulates to %s',
fmt = type_to_fmt[self.offer_type] + "nt%s vs %sntnew_pos = %s"
return fmt % (self.actor.name, self.other_actor.name, self.eu,
self.other_eu, self.position)

class BDMScholzModel(object):
"""An expected utility model for political forecasting."""
def __init__(self, data, q=1.0):
self.actors = [
for item in data]
self.name_to_actor = {actor.name: actor for actor in self.actors}
self.q = q
positions = self.positions()
self.position_range = max(positions) - min(positions)
def from_csv_path(cls, csv_path):
return cls(csv.DictReader(open(csv_path, 'rU')))
def actor_by_name(self, name):
return self.name_to_actor.get(name)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.name_to_actor.get(key)
def positions(self):
return list({actor.x for actor in self.actors})
def median_position(self):
positions = self.positions()
median = positions[0]
for position in positions[1:]:
votes = sum(actor.compare(position, median, risk=1.0)
for actor in self.actors)
if votes > 0:
median = position
return median
def mean_position(self):
return (sum(actor.c * actor.s * actor.x for actor in self.actors) /
sum(actor.c * actor.s for actor in self.actors))
def probability(self, x_i, x_j):
if x_i == x_j:
return 0.0
# `sum_all_votes` below is faithful to Scholz' code, but I think it is
# quite contrary to BDM's intent. Instead, we should have.
# denominator = sum(actor.compare(x_i, x_j) for actor in self.actors)
# This would make sure that prob(x_i, x_j) + prob(x_j, x_i) == 1.
# However, because of the odd way that salience values are used as
# the probability that an actor will resist a proposal, this results in
# the actors almost always confronting each other.
# My theory is that Scholz got around the confrontation problem by
# introducing this large denominator, causing extremely small
# probability values. This prevents actors from confronting each other
# constantly, but the result is comical, in that the challenging actor
# always has a vanishingly small chance of winning a conflict, yet the
# challenged actor often gives up without a fight because of low
# salience.
sum_all_votes = sum(abs(actor.compare(a1.x, a2.x))
for actor in self.actors
for a1 in self.actors
for a2 in self.actors)
return (sum(max(0, actor.compare(x_i, x_j)) for actor in self.actors) /
def update_risk_aversions(self):
for actor in self.actors:
actor.r = 1.0
actor_to_risk_aversion = [(actor, actor.risk_aversion())
for actor in self.actors]
for actor, risk_aversion in actor_to_risk_aversion:
actor.r = risk_aversion
def update_positions(self):
actor_to_best_offer = [(actor, actor.best_offer())
for actor in self.actors]
for actor, best_offer in actor_to_best_offer:
if best_offer:
print best_offer
actor.x = best_offer.position
def run_model(self, num_rounds=1):
print 'Median position: %s' % self.median_position()
print 'Mean position: %s' % self.mean_position()
for round_ in range(1, num_rounds + 1):
print ''
print 'ROUND %d' % round_
print ''
print 'Median position: %s' % self.median_position()
print 'Mean position: %s' % self.mean_position()

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='path to csv with input data')
help='number of rounds of simulation to run',
args = parser.parse_args()
model = BDMScholzModel.from_csv_path(args.csv_path)



% python2 so.py sample.csv 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "so.py", line 336, in <module>
model = BDMScholzModel.from_csv_path(args.csv_path)
File "so.py", line 241, in from_csv_path
return cls(csv.DictReader(open(csv_path, 'rU')))
File "so.py", line 233, in __init__
for item in data]
KeyError: 'Actor'


import csv
with open('names.csv') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
print(row['first_name'], row['last_name'])



  • 在创建reader之前创建一个空列表,data = []
  • 在行-in-reader循环中,只需将每一行附加到数据,data.append(row)(DictReader为您处理字段/键名)
  • 在整个with-open块之后,最后调用你的BDMScholzModel初始化器w/你的数据,return cls(data)





print 'debug data: %sn' % data
return cls(data)


python2 so.py sample.csv 1


debug data: [
{'Capability': '1', 'Position': '1', 'Salience': '1', 'Actor': 'foo'}, 
{'Capability': '2', 'Position': '2', 'Salience': '2', 'Actor': 'bar'}, 
{'Capability': '3', 'Position': '3', 'Salience': '3', 'Actor': 'baz'}
Median position: 3.0
Mean position: 2.57142857143
Median position: 3.0
Mean position: 2.57142857143


def from_csv_path(cls, csv_path):
data = []
with open(csv_path) as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
print 'debug data: %sn' % data
return cls(data)


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