在golang REST API中发送损坏的zip文件

关于这个问题我已经搜索了很多,但是我找不到一个合适的解决方案。我想从mongodb集合中找到一些记录,并将每个记录保存到json文件,然后压缩它们并作为REST API的响应发送回去。

// each record should be saved in a file
var records []iodefRepo.IodefRecord
if cur, err := h.iodefRepo.IodefCollection().Find(helper.Context(), filter, options.Find().SetSort(M{"received_at": -1})); err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while finding iodef, err=" + err.Error())
} else if err := cur.All(helper.Context(), &records); err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while un-cursoring records, err=" + err.Error())
resultFile, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprint(fileName, ".zip"))
if err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while creating the result file, err=" + err.Error())
writer := zip.NewWriter(resultFile)
// files is a [][]byte that each element is []byte of json.Unmarshal
for i, f := range files {
if file, err := writer.Create(fmt.Sprint("IncidentName=", records[i].Document.Incidents[0].IncidentID.Name, ", IncidentData=", records[i].Document.Incidents[0].IncidentID.Data, ".", format)); err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while creating iodef file, err=" + err.Error())
} else if _, err := file.Write(f); err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while writing to iodef file, err=" + err.Error())
helper.AddResponseHeader("Content-Type", "application/zip")
helper.AddResponseHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary")
helper.AddResponseHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=export.zip")
_ = writer.Close()
_ = resultFile.Close()
if result, err := os.ReadFile(fileName + ".zip"); err != nil {
return helper.WrapInternalErr("while reading zip file, err=" + err.Error())
} else {
// this result which is a []byte will be write to standard ResponseWriter
// the same as err := w.Write(result); mention that I have ckecked and there
// is no error in any of the steps and everything is done without any errors.
return helper.WrapOk(result)



最后我找到了答案,我仍然不知道我以前的解决方案有什么问题,但是当我使用http.ServeFile(w, r, "/path/to/zip_file")函数而不是使用ResponseWriter.Write(fileBytes)时,问题解决了。实际上很奇怪,使用ResponseWriter.Write(fileBytes)会导致这个问题。如果有人知道为什么会这样,请告诉我。谢谢。


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