




我所指的dm脚本是FELMI ZFE DigitalMicrograph脚本数据库上的,该数据库经过轻微调整,允许使用有符号整数,而不创建tiff,因为它们目前对我们没有用处。





// Script class compiling a (filtered) TagList of filepaths from 
// a folder. Optionally with recursion for subfolders
Class CRecursiveFileList{
TagGroup BuildList( object self, string path, string leadIn, string leadOut, number bSubfolders){
tagGroup FileList = NewTagList()
TagGroup allFiles = GetFilesInDirectory( path, 1 )
number nFiles = allFiles.TagGroupCountTags()
leadIn = StringToLower(leadIn)
leadOut = StringToLower(leadOut)
for ( number i=0; i<nFiles; i++ )
string file
TagGroup entry
allFiles.TagGroupgetIndexedTagAsTagGroup( i, entry )
entry.TagGroupGetTagAsString( "Name", file )
file = StringToLower(file)

if ( len(leadIn)  > len(file) ) continue
if ( len(leadOut) > len(file) ) continue
if ( left(file,len(leadIn)) != leadIn ) continue
if ( right(file,len(leadOut)) != leadOut ) continue

FileList.TagGroupInsertTagAsString( Infinity(), PathConcatenate(path,file) )
if (bSubFolders)
TagGroup allFolders = GetFilesInDirectory( path, 2 )
number nFolders = allFolders.TagGroupCountTags()
for ( number i=0; i<nFolders; i++ )
string folder
TagGroup entry
allFolders.TagGroupgetIndexedTagAsTagGroup( i, entry )
entry.TagGroupGetTagAsString( "Name", folder )
folder = StringToLower(folder)
TagGroup SubList = self.BuildList( PathConcatenate(path,folder), leadIn, leadOut, bSubfolders )
for ( number j=0; j<SubList.TagGroupCountTags(); j++)
string file
if ( SubList.tagGroupGetIndexedTagAsString(j,file))
FileList.TagGroupInsertTagAsString( Infinity(), file )
return FileList

TagGroup Create( object self, string root, string LLin, string LLout, number incSubFolder ){
TagGroup fullFileList
if ( !DoesDirectoryExist( root )  || "" == root )
root = GetApplicationDirectory( "open_save", 0 )
if ( !GetDirectoryDialog(NULL,"Select root path", root, root ) ) 
return fullFileList;

fullFileList = self.BuildList( root, LLin, LLout, incSubFolder );
return fullFileList;
Class CActOnFileList{
void ActOnFile( object self, string path ){
// Do whatever you want with a file(path) here!
if ( !DoesFileExist(path) ) {
Result( "n Not found: " + path )       // Skip with message
// Throw( "File not found:n" + path )  // or stop the script with error

//Assuming it is an image, we open it 
Image img := OpenImage(path)
if ( !img.ImageIsValid() ) {
Result( "n Filt not an image: " + path )       // Skip with message
// Throw( "File is not a valid image:n" + path ) // or stop the script with error

// We could show it...

// Instead, we convert it to 2-byte-integer and resave it with modifed name

string newName = PathExtractDirectory(path,0) + "Conv_" + PathExtractBaseName(path,0) 

Result("n Converted & Saved: " + newName )

number PerformActionOnAllFilesInList( object self, TagGroup fileList, number bShowProgress ){
number nFiles = fileList.TagGroupCountTags()
for( number i = 0; i<nFiles; i++ ){
if ( bShowProgress )
OpenAndSetProgressWindow( "Acting on file", (i+1) + " of " +  nFiles, "" )

string path
if ( fileList.TagGroupGetIndexedTagAsString(i,path) )
string root = ""        // Leave "" to get a prompt
string pre = ""         // Leave "" for no filter. Otherwise only paths which start with pre are kept
string suf = ".dm4"     // Leave "" for no filter. Otherwise only paths which end with suf are kept
number subfolder = 1    // Set "0" to only work on the specified folder and 1 to include all subfolders
number showProgress = 1 // Set "1" to have a progress output (status bar)

Alloc(CActOnFileList).PerformActionOnAllFilesInList( Alloc(CRecursiveFileList).Create(root, pre, suf, subfolder), showProgress )
