

class Foo extends Constraint
public string $message = 'The string "{{ string }}" is not a valid foo.';
class FooValidator extends ConstraintValidator
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void
if ($value !== 'foo') {
->setParameter('{{ string }}', $value)
class FooValidatorTest extends TestCase
/** @test  */
public function validate(): void
$constraint = new Foo();
$context    = Mockery::mock(ExecutionContextInterface::class);
$builder    = Mockery::mock(ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::class);
->with('{{ string }}', 'foo-bar')
$validator = new FooValidator();
$validator->validate('foo-bar', $constraint);


1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::setGroup()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::setConstraint()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::markGroupAsValidated()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::isGroupValidated()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::markConstraintAsValidated()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::isConstraintValidated()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::markObjectAsInitialized()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".
1x: The "SymfonyComponentValidatorContextExecutionContextInterface::isObjectInitialized()" method is considered internal Used by the validator engine. Should not be called by user *           code. It may change without further notice. You should not extend it from "Mockery_0_Symfony_Component_Validator_Context_ExecutionContextInterface".

由于对那些方法的CCD_ 1注释。因此,如果使用的SymfonyTestsListener的弃用设置为0,则会导致测试失败。



似乎可以将其用作示例https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Tests/Constraints/BlankValidatorTest.php它扩展了ConstraintValidatorTestCase。。。诚然,它只是对某些事情使用PHPUnit mock,对其他事情使用具体类,但我想这就是
