
如果我有一个表格,可能有 1 个或多个部分用于用 laravel 表格装箱的地址:如下所示:

{{ Form::text('street1', '', ['class' => '']) }}
{{ Form::label('state1', 'State', ['class' => '']) }}
{{ Form::label('country1', 'Country', ['class' => '']) }}

{{ Form::text('street2', '', ['class' => '']) }}
{{ Form::select('state2', 'State', ['class' => '']) }}
{{ Form::select('country2', 'Country', ['class' => '']) }}

以及根据所选国家/地区填充州选择器的脚本。因此,如果country1设置为美国,state1的下拉列表将仅是美国的州。我可以通过使用每个字段的 ID 对我的 JQuery 脚本进行硬编码来做到这一点。但是,我想动态执行此操作,因为可能不止 2 个字段。

$('select[id="country1"]').on('change', function() { ... }




$('.country').change(function() {
const $stateSelect = $(this).closest('.group').find('.state');
getStates(this.value).then(states => {
$stateSelect.html(() => states.map(el => new Option(el.txt, el.k)));
// mock server request asynchronous method
function getStates(key) {
const states={us:[{k:"al",txt:"Alabama"},{k:"hi",txt:"Hawaii"}],cdn:[{k:"ont",txt:"Ontario"},{k:"alb",txt:"Alberta"}]};
return Promise.resolve(states[key]);
.group { margin:0 2em 1em 2em; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding:1em}
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="group">
Country: <select class="country" name="country1">
<option value=""> -Select Country</option>
<option value="cdn">Canada</option>
<option value="us">USA</option>
States: <select class="state" name="state1"></select>
<div class="group">
Country:  <select class="country" name="country2">
<option value=""> -Select Country</option>
<option value="cdn">Canada</option>
<option value="us">USA</option>
States: <select class="state" name="state2"></select>

无需为每组字段生成on.change事件。您可以在所有selects上应用 onChange 事件,并且在函数主体中,您可以使用this获取当前正在更改的select,并且可以执行类似

$('select').on('change', function(){
for example you have different ids for different selects then you can 
simply get the id of the current element to recognize it.

id = $(this).attr('id');
// then place the condition to recognize and do your stuff.
if (id == 'country1'){
// code stuff for country 1
}elseif(id == 'country2')
// code stuff for country 2
value = this.value;// example get the value



因此,如果您不想使用太多if and else,也可以尝试这样做,尝试将数字 ID 提供给国家/地区(如id=1)和相关字符串级联 id 到其状态(如id=state1)。

假设您所在的国家/地区selectid='1',您所在的州select有其他国家/地区的selectid='state1'等等,那么您可以使用以下代码段。请注意,您可以简单地在循环中使用字符串串联动态生成ids,以便创建 html 元素。

$('select').on('change', function(){
for example you have different ids for different selects then you can 
simply get the id of the current element to recognize it.

id = $(this).attr('id');// say if id=1 for country
// then get the respective state selector with 
state = 'state'+id; // respective state selector identifier, state1
stateSelector = "#"+state;
$(stateSelector ).val();// example get the value of respective state or whatever.
