Excel VBA:用户表单代码将替换行内容,而不是添加新内容





Dim L As Integer

If MsgBox("Are you sure to create a new row with those information ?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbYes Then L = Sheets("BDD").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Adding the new line to the sheet

Range("B" & L).Value = CboResp.Text
Range("C" & L).Value = CboStat.Text
Range("D" & L).Value = CboNat.Text
Range("E" & L).Value = CboPrio.Text
Range("F" & L).Value = CboAff.Text
Range("G" & L).Value = CboLea.Text
Range("H" & L).Value = txtDateRD.Text
Range("I" & L).Value = txtDateEnv.Text
Range("J" & L).Value = CboIni.Text
Range("K" & L).Value = CboISAV.Text
Range("L" & L).Value = txtVin.Text
Range("M" & L).Value = txtContrat.Text
Range("N" & L).Value = txtClientFinal.Text
Range("O" & L).Value = txtImmat.Text
Range("P" & L).Value = txtNomCon.Text
Range("Q" & L).Value = txtPrenomCon.Text
Range("R" & L).Value = txtTelCon.Text
Range("S" & L).Value = txtMotif.Text
Range("T" & L).Value = txtDateRDV.Text
Range("U" & L).Value = txtDateInter.Text
Range("V" & L).Value = CboVH.Text
Range("W" & L).Value = txtComment.Text
Range("X" & L).Value = CboCon.Text

End If


Dim L As Long
If MsgBox("Are you sure to create a new row with those information ?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbYes Then
With Sheets("BDD")
L = .Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Adding the new line to the sheet
.Range("B" & L).Value = CboResp.Text
.Range("C" & L).Value = CboStat.Text
.Range("D" & L).Value = CboNat.Text
.Range("E" & L).Value = CboPrio.Text
.Range("F" & L).Value = CboAff.Text
.Range("G" & L).Value = CboLea.Text
'etc etc
End with
End If

