名称 | 文件 | IngestType |
A | F1 | 输出|
B | F1 | 输入 |
B | F2 | 输出 |
C | F2 | 输入 |
D | F2 | 输入 |
如果您正在寻找一个特定的流程分支,您可以通过使用evaluate sequence_detect插件将流程树定义为启动的流程的时间序列或命令行来定位它。
datatable (Time: datetime, parent:string, child: string)[
'2023-01-13T14:01:06.3120799Z', "Grand parent", "parent",
'2023-01-13T14:01:07.3120799Z', "parent", "child",
'2023-01-13T14:01:08.3120799Z', "child", "grand child",
'2023-01-13T14:01:08.3120799Z', "noise parent", "noise child"
'2023-01-13T14:01:08.3120799Z', "noise child", "noise grandchild"
| evaluate sequence_detect(Time, // time column to look for sequence
3s, // timespan allowed for the sequence completion
2s, // max timespan between each step
// process tree as condition
GrandParentFound = parent == "Grand parent" and child == "parent",
ParentFound = parent == "parent" and child == "child",
ChildFound = parent == "child" and child == "grand child"