


#include <stdio.h>
struct Term
int coeff;
int exp;
struct Poly
int terms;
struct Terms *ptr;
int main(void)
return 0;
//creating the array dynamically
struct Term *createPoly()
struct Poly *p;
p = (struct Poly *)malloc(sizeof(struct Poly));
printf("Input the number of terms in the polnomial:n");
scanf("%d", p->terms);
p->ptr = (struct Term *)malloc(sizeof(struct Term) * p->terms);
return p;
//inputting the values
void input(struct Poly *p)
for (int i = 0; i < p->terms; i++)
printf("Input the term %d coefficient and exponent value!", i);
scanf("%d%d", &(p->(ptr + i).coeff));



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>                   // ** you forgot this
struct Term
int coeff;
int exp;
struct Poly
int nbofterms;                      // nbofterms is better than terms
struct Term* ptr;                   // ** use Term instead of Terms
int main(void)
return 0;
//creating the array dynamically
struct Poly* createPoly()             // ** you want a struct Poly and not a struct Term
struct Poly* p;
p = malloc(sizeof(struct Poly));    // (struct Poly*) cast not needed
printf("Input the number of terms in the polnomial:n");
scanf("%d", &p->nbofterms);             // & added
p->ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct Term) * p->nbofterms);  // cast not needed
return p;
//inputting the values
void input(struct Poly* p)
for (int i = 0; i < p->nbofterms; i++)
printf("Input the term %d coefficient and exponent value!", i);
scanf("%d", &p->ptr[i].coeff);    // ** only one %d and expression corrected
