



global _start
section .bss
buf resb 10
section .text
; Read a word from stdin, terminate it with a 0 and place it at the given address.
; - $1, rdi: *buf - where to place read bytes
; - $2, rsi: max_count, including the NULL terminator
; Returns in rax:
; - *buf - address of the first byte where the NULL-terminated string was placed
; - 0, if input too big
read_word: ; (rdi: *buf, rsi: max_count) -> *buf, or 0 if input too big
mov r8, 0      ; current count
mov r9, rsi    ; max count
dec r9         ; one char will be occupied by the terminating 0
; read a char into the top of the stack, then pop it into rax
push rdi       ; save; will be clobbered by syscall
mov rax, 0     ; syscall id = 0 (read)
mov rdi, 0     ; syscall $1, fd = 0 (stdin)
push 0         ; top of the stack will be used to place read byte
mov rsi, rsp   ; syscall $2, *buf = rsp (addr where to put read byte)
mov rdx, 1     ; syscall $3, count (how many bytes to read)
pop rax
pop rdi
; if read character is Enter (aka carriage-return, CR) - null-terminate the string and exit
cmp rax, 0x0d ; Enter
je .exit_ok
; not enter ⇒ place it in the buffer, and read another one
mov byte [rdi+r8], al ; copy character into output buffer
inc r8                ; inc number of collected characters
cmp r8, r9            ; make sure number doesn't exceed maximum
je .exit_ok           ; if we have the required number of chars, exit
jb .read_char         ; if it's not greater, read another char
.exit_ok: ; add a null to the end of the string and return address of buffer (same as input)
add r8, 1
mov byte [rdi+r8], 0
mov rax, rdi
.exit_err: ; return 0 (error)
mov rax, 0
mov rdi, buf     ; $1 - *buf
mov rsi, 10      ; $2 - uint count
call read_word
mov rax, 60  ; exit syscall
mov rdi, 0   ; exit code




