

import Data.List
type Point a = (a,a)
type Metric a = (Point a) -> (Point a) -> Double
nearPoints ::  Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
nearPoints k d p [] = []
nearPoints k d p ps = take k (sortOn (pointsDistCalc p) ps)
pointsDistCalc :: Metric Double
pointsDistCalc (t1,t1) (t2,t2) = sqrt(((t1-t2)^2)+((t1-t2)^2))


* Couldn't match type `a' with `Double'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
nearPoints :: forall a.
Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
Expected type: Point Double
Actual type: Point a
* In the first argument of `pointsDistCalc', namely `p'
In the first argument of `sortOn', namely `(pointsDistCalc p)'
In the second argument of `take', namely
`(sortOn (pointsDistCalc p) ps)'
* Relevant bindings include
ps :: [Point a]
p :: Point a
d :: Metric a
nearPoints :: Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
11 | nearPoints k d p ps = take k (sortOn (pointsDistCalc p) ps)


您将pointsDistCalc定义为Point Doubles的Metric,因此这意味着按该距离排序的nearPoints也应该是Point Doubles。


nearPoints ::  Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
nearPoints _ _ _ [] = []
nearPoints kdp0 ps = take k (sortOn (dp0) ps)


nearPoints ::  Int -> Metric a -> Point a -> [Point a] -> [Point a]
nearPoints kdp0 ps = take k (sortOn (dp0) ps)
