

请考虑以下情况:我有两个 numpy 数组abb形状(2, 2, 5)a形状(5,)。我想将a的每个元素乘以b中的每个2x2 数组,我不想a中的每个元素乘以b中每个 2x2 数组中的每个元素,这就是如果我简单地这样做会发生什么a * b


import numpy as np

class MyClass:
def __mul__(self, other):
print(f'{type(self).__name__} * {other}')
return other
def __rmul__(self, other):
print(f'{other} * {type(self).__name__}')
return other

a = np.full((5,), MyClass())
b = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2, 5))
a * b
# MyClass * -0.6169610992422154
# MyClass * 0.24421754207966373
# ...
# MyClass * 0.5456532432247481
# MyClass * 0.7652823812722331
# Desired result:
[ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0))]
# MyClass * [[-0.6169611  -0.45481479]
#  [-0.28436546  0.12239237]]
# ...
# MyClass * [[ 0.55995162  0.75186527]
#  [-0.25949849  0.76528238]]
# EDIT: Solution suggested by "Guimoute", does the same as a * b but also introduces addition (not a solution).
b @ a
# -0.6169610992422154 * MyClass
# 0.24421754207966373 * MyClass
# ...
# 0.5456532432247481 * MyClass
# 0.7652823812722331 * MyClass
c = np.split(np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0).reshape(-1, 2), 5)
# c is now a list of numpy arrays, with length = 5
a * c
# Raises an exception
# ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,) (5,2,2)

编辑:我可能应该澄清一下,我要求的是一个numpy解决方案,而不是涉及python循环的解决方案,即:[ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0))]

编辑:我添加了"Guimoute"的建议,涉及matmul @运算符,可以看出这显然不是解决方案。


import numpy as np

class MyClass:
def __mul__(self, other):
return self
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self

def solution_involving_python_loop(a, b):
return np.array([ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0))])
def is_valid_solution(func):
return func(a, b).ndim == 1

a = np.full((5,), MyClass())
b = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2, 5))

# True

编辑:为了响应"hpaulj"的答案,我添加了以下示例,它的作用不仅仅是乘以对同一对象的引用数组,该数组不执行任何操作。在这里,我再次尝试澄清标准 numpy 乘法和我正在寻找的乘法类型之间的区别

import numpy as np

class Symbol:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __repr__(self):
def __mul__(self, other):
return Mul(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return Mul(other, self)

class Mul:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.a} * {self.b}'

a = np.array([Symbol(chr(i)) for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + 5)])
b = np.random.randint(0, 100, (2, 2, 5))
# multiplication with broadcasting
broadcast_result = a * b
# [[[a * 47 b * 83 c * 38 d * 53 e * 76]
#   [a * 24 b * 15 c * 49 d * 23 e * 26]]
#  [[a * 30 b * 43 c * 30 d * 26 e * 58]
#   [a * 92 b * 69 c * 80 d * 73 e * 47]]]
# desired result
desired_result = np.array([ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0))])
for x in desired_result:
# a * [[47 24]
#  [30 92]]
# b * [[83 15]
#  [43 69]]
# c * [[38 49]
#  [30 80]]
# d * [[53 23]
#  [26 73]]
# e * [[76 26]
#  [58 47]]
import numpy as np

class MyClass:
def __mul__(self, other):
print(f'{type(self).__name__} * {other}')
return other
def __rmul__(self, other):
print(f'{other} * {type(self).__name__}')
return other

a = np.full((5,), MyClass())
b = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, 2, 5))
your_sol = np.array([ai * bi for ai, bi in zip(a, np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0))])
your_required_array = np.moveaxis(a*b, -1, 0).astype(float)

我仍然对两种乘法之间的区别感到困惑。 随手它们听起来是一样的。 愿a是对象 dtype 的事实很重要。 但是,你知道你的a到底是什么吗?

让我们为您的类添加一个 repr:

In [122]: class MyClass:
...:     def __mul__(self, other):
...:         print(f'{type(self).__name__} * {other}')
...:         return other
...:     def __rmul__(self, other):
...:         print(f'{other} * {type(self).__name__}')
...:         return other
...:     def __repr__(self):
...:         return f'<{id(self)}>'
In [123]: MyClass()
Out[123]: <140080214874240>
In [124]: MyClass()
Out[124]: <140080207167392>
In [125]: a = np.full((5,), MyClass())
In [126]: a
array([<140080207226960>, <140080207226960>, <140080207226960>,
<140080207226960>, <140080207226960>], dtype=object)

请注意,a有 5 个对 SAME 对象的引用。 包含 5 个不同对象的数组:

In [127]: a1 = np.array([MyClass() for _ in range(5)])
In [128]: a1
array([<140080340066944>, <140080340068816>, <140080340066368>,
<140080205271872>, <140080205271488>], dtype=object)

让我们进一步更改它以在乘法中显示 id:

In [135]: class MyClass:
...:     def __mul__(self, other):
...:         print(f'{self} * {other}')
...:         return other
...:     def __rmul__(self, other):
...:         print(f'{other} * {self}')
...:         return other
...:     def __repr__(self):
...:         return f'<{id(self)}>'
In [138]: a*b
<140080213575568> * 0
<140080213575568> * 1
<140080213575568> * 2
<140080213575568> * 3
<140080213575568> * 19
array([[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]],
[[10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
[15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]], dtype=object)


In [139]: a1*b
<140080187967328> * 0        # 1
<140080187966320> * 1
<140080187967712> * 2
<140080187966368> * 3
<140080187968960> * 4
<140080187967328> * 5        # 2
<140080187966320> * 6
<140080187967712> * 7
<140080187966368> * 8
<140080187968960> * 9
<140080187967328> * 10       # 3
<140080187966320> * 11
<140080187967712> * 12
<140080187966368> * 13
<140080187968960> * 14
<140080187967328> * 15       # 4
<140080187966320> * 16
<140080187967712> * 17
<140080187966368> * 18
<140080187968960> * 19
array([[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]],
[[10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
[15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]], dtype=object)



In [142]: [a1[i]*b[:,:,i] for i in range(5)]
<140080187967328> * [[ 0  5]
[10 15]]
<140080187966320> * [[ 1  6]
[11 16]]
<140080187967712> * [[ 2  7]
[12 17]]
<140080187966368> * [[ 3  8]
[13 18]]
<140080187968960> * [[ 4  9]
[14 19]]

在 [139] 中,<140080187967328>也乘以 [0,5,10,15]。

如果我们从b创建一个 (5,) 对象数组,我们得到相同的配对:

In [143]: b1 = np.empty(5,object); b1[:] = [b[:,:,i] for i in range(5)]
In [144]: a1*b1
<140080187967328> * [[ 0  5]
[10 15]]
<140080187966320> * [[ 1  6]
[11 16]]
<140080187967712> * [[ 2  7]
[12 17]]
<140080187966368> * [[ 3  8]
[13 18]]
<140080187968960> * [[ 4  9]
[14 19]]
Out[144]:                         # same as b1
array([array([[ 0,  5],
[10, 15]]), array([[ 1,  6],
[11, 16]]), array([[ 2,  7],
[12, 17]]),
array([[ 3,  8],
[13, 18]]), array([[ 4,  9],
[14, 19]])], dtype=object)

对象 dtype 数组的数学运算发生在列表理解速度上。

解决方案:将b拆分为包含所有 2x2 数组的数组(使用 dtype=object)

c = np.empty((5,), dtype=object)
c[:] = np.split(np.moveaxis(b, -1, 0).reshape(-1, 2), 5)
# c is now an object array of numpy arrays, with length = 5
a * c
# MyClass * [[-0.6169611  -0.45481479]
#  [-0.28436546  0.12239237]]
# ...
# MyClass * [[ 0.55995162  0.75186527]
#  [-0.25949849  0.76528238]]

