打字稿优化帮助 - "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.(2589)"



这是TS Repl的链接,我已经包含了以下代码:

type AnyArray = any[];
type AnyArrayWithItems = [any, ...any];
type AnyFunction<Arguments extends any[] = any[]> = (...args: Arguments) => any;
// The type of the first item in an array.
// Input: `[1, 2, 3]`
// Output: `1`
type Head<SomeArray extends AnyArray> = SomeArray extends AnyArrayWithItems
? SomeArray[0]
: never;
// The type of an array after removing the first element.
// Input: `[1, 2, 3]`
// Output: `[2, 3]`
type Tail<SomeArray extends AnyArray> = AnyFunction<SomeArray> extends (
_: any,
...args: infer Remainder
) => any
? Remainder
: never;
const DATA_KEY_PREFIX = "data-" as const;
type DataKey = `${typeof DATA_KEY_PREFIX}${string}`;
type PrependIfDataKey<
Key extends string | number | symbol,
> = Key extends DataKey ? [Key] : [];
type DataKeys<
Keys extends (string | number | symbol)[],
> = Keys['length'] extends 0 ? [] : [
type DataProps<Props extends Record<string, unknown>> = Pick<
DataKeys<(keyof Props)[]>
function getDataAttributes<Props extends Record<string, unknown>>(
props: Props,
): DataProps<Props> {
return Object.keys(props)
.filter((propName): propName is DataKey =>
(dataProps, propName) => ({ ...dataProps, [propName]: props[propName] }),
{} as DataProps<Props>,

const test = { href: "#", onClick: () => null, 'data-foo': 'bar' };
const attrs = getDataAttributes(test);


type DataProps<T> = { [K in keyof T as Extract<K, DataKey>]: T[K] };

如果将密钥重新映射到never,则可以通过密钥重新映射省略特性。因此,我使用Extract<T, U>实用程序类型只保留可分配给DataKey的密钥K


const test = { href: "#", onClick: () => null, 'data-foo': 'bar' };
const attrs = getDataAttributes(test);
type Attrs = typeof attrs;
/* type Attrs = {
"data-foo": string;
} */
