
有人能解释一下这个yarn top命令的输出吗?我的意思是,这些快捷方式(#CONT#RCONT VCORES RVCORES MEM RMEM VCORESECS MEMSECS%PROGR TIME NAME(到底是什么意思?这些数字是如何计算的?


APPID     | ApplicationId of the application, e.g. application_1614636765551_1548
USER      | user e.g. hadoop
TYPE      | application's Type,  e.g. spark
QUEUE     | to which the application was submitted
PRIORITY  | Application's priority, e.g. 0=VERY_HIGH, see JobPriority.java
CONT      | the number of used containers
RCONT     | the number of reserved containers
VCORES    | the used Resource - virtual cores
RVCORES   | the reserved Resource - virtual cores
MEM       | the used Resource - memory in GB
RMEM      | the resevered Resource - memroy in GB
VCORESECS | the aggregated number of vcores that the application has allocated times the number of seconds the application has been running.
MEMSECS   | the aggregated amount of memory (in megabytes) the application has allocated times the number of seconds the application has been running.
PROGRESS  | application's progress
TIME      | application running time in "dd:HH:mm"
NAME      | application name


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