


#include <stdio.h> // Standard library functions for file input and output
#include <stdlib.h> // Standard library used for memory allocation, process control, and conversions
typedef unsigned char byte_t;
// Declaration of the function
void genericSwap(void *pdata1, void *pdata2, byte_t nBytes);
// Global variable
unsigned int dataFloat = 0; // this will help us as a flag to differentiate
// between a float or integer
int main() // main program
int sw;             // integer value for switch
int a = 0, b = 0;   // declaring integer a and b
char x = 0, y = 0;  // declaring character x and y
float c = 0, d = 0; // declaring float c and d
for (;;)            //  infinite loop
printf("nPlease enter your choice:n'1' for integer value.n'2' for "
"character value.n'3' for float value.n'0' for exit. n : ");
scanf_s("%d", &sw); // choose the input for the switch function
switch (sw) // switch function
case 1: // case 1 for selecting integer operations
printf("nPlease enter the values for a and b n : ");
scanf_s("%d%d", &a, &b); // choose the input for the integer operation
printf("nValues before swapna=%dtb=%d", a, b);
&a, &b,
sizeof(int)); // calling the swap function with address of a and b
printf("nValues after swapna=%dtb=%d", a,
b); // printing the swap values
case 2: // case 2 for selecting character operations
printf("nPlease enter the values for a and b n : ");
scanf_s(" %c", &x);
scanf_s(" %c", &y);
printf("nValues before swapna= %ctb= %c", x, y);
&x, &y,
sizeof(char)); // calling the swap function with address of x and y
printf("nValues after swapna= %ctb= %c", x, y);
case 3:          // case 3 for selecting float operations
dataFloat = 1; // indicate that the float operation has been selected
printf("nPlease enter the values for a and b n : ");
scanf_s("%f%f", &c, &d);
printf("nValues before swapna= %.2ftb= %.2f", c, d);
&c, &d,
sizeof(float)); // calling the swap function with address of c and d
printf("nValues after swapna= %.2ftb= %.2f", c, d);
case 0: // terminate the application
default: // when no appropriate selection has been made
printf("nYou have entered the wrong choice");
// define function
void genericSwap(void *pdata1, void *pdata2, byte_t nBytes) {
void *temp = NULL; // setting void pointer temp to NULL
temp = malloc(nBytes); // allocating memory to void pointer
if (nBytes > 1) // if the size is more then 1 byte this means it is another
// value then a character
if (dataFloat == 1) // if dataFloat is equal to 1 then it is a float type
dataFloat = 0;                         // resetting dataFloat to 0
*((float *)temp) = *((float *)pdata1); // typecasting the pointer to float
*((float *)pdata1) = *((float *)pdata2);
*((float *)pdata2) = *((float *)temp);
} else {
*((int *)temp) = *((int *)pdata1); // typecasting the pointer to integer
*((int *)pdata1) = *((int *)pdata2);
*((int *)pdata2) = *((int *)temp);
} else {
*((char *)temp) = *((char *)pdata1); // typecasting the pointer to character
*((char *)pdata1) = *((char *)pdata2);
*((char *)pdata2) = *((char *)temp);
free(temp); // de-allocating memory
temp = NULL; // making the pointer temp to NULL
void *genericSwap(void *a, void *b, size_t size)
uint64_t tmp;   //max size depends on the hardware architecture
unsigned char *ua = a;
unsigned char *ub = b;
if(a && b)
while(size >= sizeof(tmp))
memcpy(&tmp, ua, sizeof(tmp));
memcpy(ua, ub, sizeof(tmp));
memcpy(ub, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
ua += sizeof(tmp);
ub += sizeof(tmp);
size -= sizeof(tmp);
unsigned char tmp = *ua;
*ua++ = *ub;
*ub++ = tmp;
return a;




