



[BITS 16] 
[ORG 0x7C00] 
;; Put 0 into ds (data segment) 
;; Can't do it directly 
mov ax,0x0000 
mov ds,ax 
;; si is the location relative to the data segment of the 
;; string/char to display 
mov si, fourSpace
call writeString
mov ch, 1 ; mov 1 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov si, threeSpace
call writeString
mov ch, 3 ; mov 3 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov si, twoSpace
call writeString
mov ch, 5 ; mov 5 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov si, oneSpace
call writeString
mov ch, 7 ; mov 7 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov ch, 9 ; mov 9 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov si, branchThreeSpace1
call writeString
mov ch, 3 ; mov 3 into the register ch
call dotsLoop
mov si, branchThreeSpace2
call writeString
mov ch, 3 ; mov 3 into the register ch
call dotsLoop

jmp $ ; Spin 

mov si, dot ; print the dot
call writeString ; See below 
dec ch ; reduce what is in ch by 1
cmp ch, 0 ; compare to see if what is store in ch is 0
jne dotsLoop ; if ch does not contain 0 call dotsLoop again.
mov si, cr ; print the newline code
call writeString ; See below 
ret ; when ch contains 0 return back to main code 

mov ah,0x0E ; Display a chacter (as before) 
mov bh,0x00 
mov bl,0x07 
Lodsb ; Loads [SI] into AL and increases SI by one 
;; Effectively "pumps" the string through AL 
cmp al,0 ; End of the string? 
jz done 
int 0x10 ; BIOS interrupt 
jmp nextchar 
fourSpace db '    ',0 ; For spacing
1dot db '*', 13,10,0
threeSpace db '    ',0 ; For spacing
3dot db '*',13,10,0
twoSpace db '    ',0 ; For spacing
5dot db '*',13,10,0
oneSpace db '    ',0 ; For spacing
7dot db '*',13,10,0
9dot db '*',13,10,0
branchThreeSpace1 db '    ',0 ; For spacing
branchdot1 db '*',13,10,0
branchThreeSpace2 db '    ',0 ; For spacing
branchdot2 db '*',13,10,0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55


1dot db '*', 13,10,0
3dot db '*',13,10,0


1dot       db '*',13,10,0
3dot       db '*',13,10,0
5dot       db '*',13,10,0
7dot       db '*',13,10,0
9dot       db '*',13,10,0
branchdot1 db '*',13,10,0
branchdot2 db '*',13,10,0

就像Michael Petch在评论中所写的那样,NASM标签不能以数字0-9开头。

dot db '*', 0

fourSpace         db '    ',0 ; For spacing
threeSpace        db '    ',0 ; For spacing
twoSpace          db '    ',0 ; For spacing
oneSpace          db '    ',0 ; For spacing
branchThreeSpace1 db '    ',0 ; For spacing
branchThreeSpace2 db '    ',0 ; For spacing



fourSpace  db ' '
threeSpace db ' '
twoSpace   db ' '
oneSpace   db ' ', 0

threeSpacebranchThreeSpace1BranchThreeSpace 2之间真的没有区别。它们都应该精确输出3个空格字符。



mov  si, fourSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 1
call dotsLoop
mov  si, threeSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 3
call dotsLoop
mov  si, twoSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 5
call dotsLoop
mov  si, oneSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 7
call dotsLoop
mov  ch, 9
call dotsLoop
mov  si, threeSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 3
call dotsLoop
mov  si, threeSpace
call writeString
mov  ch, 3
call dotsLoop
jmp  $ 
dot        db '*', 0
fourSpace  db ' '
threeSpace db ' '
twoSpace   db ' '
oneSpace   db ' ', 0
cr         db 13, 10, 0
