MobaXtern - 如何在 Moba 自己的 bash 终端中运行 bash shell 脚本?




 27/05/2021   13:50.30   /home/mobaxterm  echo foo |xargs -I{} echo {}
foo                                                                                                                                                                                                     ✔
 27/05/2021   13:50.45   /home/mobaxterm  echo "echo foo |xargs -I{} echo {}">
 27/05/2021   13:51.17   /home/mobaxterm  chmod 755
 27/05/2021   13:51.26   /home/mobaxterm  ./
xargs: unknown option -- I
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2015-11-10 11:07:12    ) multi-call binary.
Usage: xargs [OPTIONS] [PROG ARGS]
Run PROG on every item given by stdin
-p      Ask user whether to run each command
-r      Don't run command if input is empty
-0      Input is separated by NUL characters
-t      Print the command on stderr before execution
-e[STR] STR stops input processing
-n N    Pass no more than N args to PROG
-s N    Pass command line of no more than N bytes
-x      Exit if size is exceeded
 27/05/2021   13:51.33   /home/mobaxterm  m

 27/05/2021   13:42.57   /home/mobaxterm  xargs --version
xargs (GNU findutils) 4.6.0
Packaged by Cygwin (4.6.0-1)
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Written by Eric B. Decker, James Youngman, and Kevin Dalley.
 27/05/2021   13:43.17   /home/mobaxterm  which xargs
 27/05/2021   13:43.23   /home/mobaxterm  /bin/xargs --version
xargs: unknown option -- version
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2015-11-10 11:07:12    ) multi-call binary.
Usage: xargs [OPTIONS] [PROG ARGS]
Run PROG on every item given by stdin
-p      Ask user whether to run each command
-r      Don't run command if input is empty
-0      Input is separated by NUL characters
-t      Print the command on stderr before execution
-e[STR] STR stops input processing
-n N    Pass no more than N args to PROG
-s N    Pass command line of no more than N bytes
-x      Exit if size is exceeded
 27/05/2021   13:43.28   /home/mobaxterm  

如果它确实是bash,而不是其他东西,那么最可能的解释是它的PATH设置不正确,因此它选择了"坏的";一些二进制文件的版本。要检查命令运行的实际二进制文件是什么,请使用which xargs。如果二进制文件不是您所期望的,则需要修复PATH。(如果你不知道怎么做,可以在网上搜索。(

另一种可能性是有函数/别名在跟踪二进制文件。使用command xargs ...强制shell使用命令。


apt-get search xargs
- Found command "xargs" in package "findutils"
➤ You can install this package by using the following command:
apt-get install findutils

apt-get searchdesc xargs
- Found description "Utilities for finding files--find, xargs, locate, updatedb" in package "findutils"
➤ You can install this package by using the following command:
apt-get install findutils

