无法从扩展的 JPanel 类中看到图像图标






public class TestPanel extends JPanel {

public static JLabel map = new JLabel();
public TestPanel() {
this.setLayout(null); //to prevent icon from taking the whole screen
this.setVisible(true); //make frame visible
this.setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);

this.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0));

Image imageToScale = new ImageIcon("map.png").getImage();
double scale = .9; //scale
int x = (int) (imageToScale.getWidth(null) * scale); //leave image observer as null because we know that the image is loaded
int y = (int) (imageToScale.getHeight(null) * scale);
Image scaledImage = imageToScale.getScaledInstance( x, y, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); //scale the image
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(scaledImage); //case the image into an image icon

this.setBounds(0, -4, image.getIconWidth(), image.getIconHeight()); //set position and size of panel to the size of the image. -4 on the Y position because it was not aligned with the top

map.setIcon(image); //set icon for map label
this.add(map); //add label to panel


public class GUI extends JFrame {

public static JPanel problemPanel = new JPanel(); //panel where the points and path will be displayed
public static JLabel map = new JLabel();

public static TestPanel test = new TestPanel();

public GUI() {
this.setLayout(null); //to prevent icon from taking the whole screen


this.setVisible(true); //make frame visible
this.setSize(1200,1000); //set frame size
this.setTitle("Travelling Apache Pizza Delivery Driver Problem (TAPDDP)"); //set title of panel
this.setDefaultCloseOperation(this.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //terminates program when frame is closed
this.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //open frame in the middle of the screen
this.setResizable(false); //prevent resizing of GUI


