如何列出Windows 10上所有已安装程序的作用域?最好通过PowerShell



# Finds all executables in $env:PATH that are *not* located in the 
# current user's home-directory tree.
Get-Command -Type Application |
Where-Object { -not $_.Path.StartsWith($HOME, 'OrdinalIgnoreCase') }


# For the given executable names, outputs [pscustomobject] instances
# containing each executable's full path and a flag that indicates 
# whether the executable's directory is located in the 
# current user's home-directory tree.
Get-Command -Type Application foo, bar | 
Select-Object Path, 
@{ Name='CurrentUserOnly'; Expression={ $_.Path.StartsWith($HOME, 'OrdinalIgnoreCase') } }


# Finds all executables in $env:PATH *and* those that can be launched
# via cmd /c start / Start-Process, which are *not* located in the 
# current user's home-directory tree.
# Lists full paths only.
@(Get-Command -Type Application).Path +
(Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Paths').
ForEach({ if ($val = $_.GetValue('') -replace '"') { $val } }) |
Where-Object { -not $_.StartsWith($HOME, 'OrdinalIgnoreCase') }


  • 在Windows PowerShell中不能与-Scope CurrentUser-Scope AllUsers组合;此外,至少在默认情况下,PowerShell(Core(7+中根本不支持-IncludeWindowsInstaller/-ProviderName Programs

  • 也不会返回有关已安装程序的可执行路径的信息。

我尝试了get包的-scope参数,但这不适用于应用程序。这里有另一种方法(Powershell 5.1(。这些按用户的应用程序往往是管理员的克星。

get-package | ? fastpackagereference -match hklm # 130 items

get-package | ? fastpackagereference -match hkcu | ft -a
Name                                Version          Source ProviderName
----                                -------          ------ ------------
Cisco Webex Meetings                41.5.4                  Programs
Amazon Kindle                         Programs
f.lux                                                       Programs
Microsoft OneDrive                  21.073.0411.0002        Programs
Slack                               4.16.1                  Programs
Microsoft Teams                        Programs
Microsoft Visual Studio Code (User) 1.55.2                  Programs
