



var primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
var nonPrimes = [1, 4, 6, 8, 9]

n = 2 // number of digits
m = 2 //divisor
k = 0 //remainder
function rec(index, temp, count) {
if (temp.length >= n) {
if (Number(temp) % m === k) {
/* console.log(temp) */
count += 1
return count
if (primes.includes(index)) {
for (num1 in primes) {
temp += primes[num1];
count = rec(index + 1, temp, count)
temp = temp.slice(0, -1)
} else if (nonPrimes.includes(index)) {
for (num2 in nonPrimes) {
temp += nonPrimes[num2];
count = rec(index + 1, temp, count)
temp = temp.slice(0, -1)
return count
console.log("number of n-digit special numbers which are divisible by m with remainder k is ", rec(1, "", 0))

由于逐位递归可以使它们相互依赖,因此为所有小于m的余数求解,并返回余数0的解。给定一个计数表;特别的";当除以m时留下余数r的数字,列表直到第i个索引。然后将索引i + 1:的行制成表格

(1) Transform the current row of remainders,
each storing a count, multiplying by 10:
for remainder r in row:
new_r = (10 mod m * r) mod m
new_row[new_r] += row[r]

row = new_row

(2) Create new counts by using the new
possible digits:
initialise new_row with zeros
for d in allowed digits for this ith row:
for r in row:
new_r = (r + d) mod m
new_row[new_r] += row[r]

例如,n = 2, m = 2:

row = [None, None]
# We are aware of the allowed digits
# at the ith row
row[0] = 3  # digits 4, 6 and 8
row[1] = 2  # digits 1, 9
row = [3, 2]

(1( 转换:

new_row = [0, 0]
remainder 0:
new_r = (10 mod 2 * 0) mod 2 = 0
new_row[0] += row[0] = 3

remainder 1:
new_r = (10 mod 2 * 1) mod 2 = 0
new_row[0] += row[1] = 5

row = new_row = [5, 0]

(2( 创建新计数:

new_row = [0, 0]

d = 2:
rd = 2 mod 2 = 0

r = 0:
new_r = (0 + 0) mod 2 = 0
new_row[0] += row[0] = 5
r = 1:
new_r = (1 + 0) mod 2 = 1
new_row[1] += row[1] = 0

d = 3:  # Similarly for 5, 7
rd = 3 mod 2 = 1

r = 0:
new_r = (0 + 1) mod 2 = 1
new_row[1] += row[0] = 5
r = 1:
new_r = (1 + 1) mod 2 = 0
new_row[0] += row[1] = 5  # unchanged

row = new_row = [5, 15]

