Typescript Singleton未定义的属性


export interface IBroker {
createChannel(): Promise<IChannel>;
export default class Broker implements IBroker {
private static instance: Broker;
private conn: IConnection | undefined;
private constructor(public config: IRabbitMQConfig = new RabbitMQConfig()) {}
* singleton
public static getInstance(): Broker {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new Broker();
return this.instance;
* initiates configuration on infra service
async createChannel(): Promise<IChannel> {
try {
if (!this.conn) {
this.conn = await this.config.init();
await this.createExchanges();
await this.createQueues();
await this.createBinds();
logger.info('Broker started successfully');
if (!this.conn) {
throw new InternalError('Error starting broker. Missing connection!');
return await this.conn.createChannel();
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Error trying to start broker', err);
throw new InternalError('Error trying to start broker', 500);
// code...



const a = Broker.getInstance();
const b = Broker.getInstance();
console.log(a === b); // return true
a.createChannel(); // create a new connection
b.createChannel(); // creates another connection




interface IConnection {
connect: () => void
const initConnection = () : Promise<IConnection> => {
return Promise.resolve({
connect: () => {}
class Broker {
private connection : IConnection | undefined;
private pendingConnection : Promise<IConnection> | undefined;
async createChannel() : Promise<IConnection> {
if (this.connection) {
return this.connection;
if (this.pendingConnection) {
return this.pendingConnection;
this.pendingConnection = initConnection();
const conn = await this.pendingConnection;
// Do other setup stuff
this.connection = conn;
this.pendingConnection = undefined;
return conn;
