

file name           folder 1              folder 2                folder 3            
0     1.txt        2021-05-11 14:04:30    2021-05-11 15:04:30      2021-05-11 16:04:30
1     2.txt        2021-05-12 14:04:30    2021-05-12 15:04:30            NaN
2     3.txt        2021-05-13 14:04:30            NaN                    NaN


file name         folder 1              folder 2               folder 3        Location of the file
0   1.txt     2021-05-11 14:04:30   2021-05-11 15:04:30    2021-05-11 16:04:30    file is in folder 3
1   2.txt     2021-05-12 14:04:30   2021-05-12 15:04:30          NaN              file is in folder 2         
2   3.txt     2021-05-13 14:04:30          NaN                   NaN              file is in folder 1



file name  filetype   .. folder 1              ..  folder 3           Loc. of file
0   1.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-11 14:04:30   ..  2021-05-11 16:04:30 file is in folder 3
1   2.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-12 14:04:30   ..     NaN              file is in folder 2
2   3.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-13 14:04:30   ..     NaN              file is in folder 3
3   4.xlsx     xlsx     ..   NaN                 ..     NaN              file is in filetype


file name  filetype   .. folder 1              ..  folder 3           Loc. of file
0   1.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-11 14:04:30   ..  2021-05-11 16:04:30 file is in folder 3
1   2.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-12 14:04:30   ..     NaN              file is in folder 2
2   3.txt      txt      .. 2021-05-13 14:04:30   ..     NaN              file is in folder 3
3   4.xlsx     xlsx     ..   NaN                 ..     NaN                NaN
df["Location of the file"] = df.apply(
lambda x: "File is in {}".format(x.index[x.notna()][-1]),


file name             folder 1             folder 2             folder 3 Location of the file
0     1.txt  2021-05-11 14:04:30  2021-05-11 15:04:30  2021-05-11 16:04:30  File is in folder 3
1     2.txt  2021-05-12 14:04:30  2021-05-12 15:04:30                  NaN  File is in folder 2
2     3.txt  2021-05-13 14:04:30                  NaN                  NaN  File is in folder 1


df["Location of the file"] = df.loc[:, "folder 1":].apply(
lambda x: "File is in {}".format(x.index[x.notna()][-1])
if not x.isna().all()
else np.nan,


file name             folder 1             folder 2             folder 3 Location of the file
0     1.txt  2021-05-11 14:04:30  2021-05-11 15:04:30  2021-05-11 16:04:30  File is in folder 3
1     2.txt  2021-05-12 14:04:30  2021-05-12 15:04:30                  NaN  File is in folder 2
2     3.txt                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN                  NaN

您可以在axis=1(列索引(上使用.idxmax()来获取具有最大日期时间值的元素的索引标签和文本concat。使用"file is in"获取新的列内容,如下所示:

df['Location of the file'] = 'file is in ' + df.iloc[:, 1:].idxmax(axis=1)



file name            folder 1            folder 2            folder 3 Location of the file
0     1.txt 2021-05-11 14:04:30 2021-05-11 15:04:30 2021-05-11 16:04:30  file is in folder 3
1     2.txt 2021-05-12 14:04:30 2021-05-12 15:04:30                 NaT  file is in folder 2
2     3.txt 2021-05-13 14:04:30                 NaT                 NaT  file is in folder 1

