
我想用react hook为井字游戏制作一个AI,但我被卡住了,因为我的AI返回未定义的代码

const defaultScore = {
0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0,
3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0,
6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0,
const winArray = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 6, 4]]
const compareWin = (a, b, c) => {
return (c !== 0 && b === c && a === b)
const tryWin = (board: Object) => {//check if the game is in an end state
let win = null
winArray.forEach(v => {
if (compareWin(board[v[0]], board[v[1]], board[v[2]])) {
win = board[v[0]]
} else if (!Object.values(board).includes(0)) {
win = 'draw'
return win
const AI = 'O'
const human = 'X'


const copyBoard = (original: Object, index?: any, newValue?: String) => {//
const copiedBoard = { ...original }
index = Number(index) // so it isn't a string
if (index != null && newValue != null) {
copiedBoard[index] = newValue
return copiedBoard


const miniMax = (board: Object, depth: number, isMax: Boolean) => {
if (tryWin(board) != null) {
const scoreOutcome = {
[AI]: 10,
[human]: -10,
'draw': 0
return scoreOutcome[tryWin(board)]

const outcome = (isMax) ? -10000 : +10000
if (isMax) {
Object.keys(board).forEach(v => {
if (board[v] === 0) {
const simBoard = copyBoard(board, v, AI)
const newOutcome = miniMax(simBoard, depth + 1, !isMax)
return (typeof (newOutcome) == 'undefined') ? outcome : Math.max(outcome, newOutcome) //it was returning undefined sometimes so to ensure it will always return an integer to confirm that wasn't the problem 
} else {
Object.keys(board).forEach(v => {
if (board[v] === 0) {
const simBoard = copyBoard(board, v, human)
const newOutcome = miniMax(simBoard, depth + 1, !isMax)
return (typeof (newOutcome) == 'undefined') ? outcome : Math.min(outcome, newOutcome) //this does not return undefined
const AImove = () => {
let move
let bestOutcome = -10000
Object.keys(boardState).forEach(v => {
if (boardState[v] === 0) {
const simBoard = copyBoard(boardState, v, AI)
const outcome = miniMax(simBoard, 0, true)
console.log('outcome', outcome) //this returns undefined 
if (outcome >= bestOutcome) {
bestOutcome = outcome
move = v
return move
const smartMoves = () => {
const finalPlay = AImove()
console.log('ai', finalPlay)



Object.keys(boardState).forEach(v => {})


for(const i in boardState){}
for(const i of boardState){}

