使用特殊规则键入安全的Scala Builder模式


  1. 必需
  2. 可选的
  3. 必需但相互排斥->a.例如,假设我有三个参数:(param1(,(param2,param3(。如果我有param1,我不能设置param2或param3。如果我可以同时设置param2和param3,但不能设置param1
  4. 可选但相互排斥->与上述逻辑相同,但这些是可选参数。这是可选的,我可以设置param1或(param2和param3(



case class Person(name: String, /*required*/
address: String, /*optional*/
city: String, /* reqd exclusive*/
county: String, /* reqd exclusive*/
state: String /* reqd exclusive*/,
ssn: String, /* optional exclusive*/
insurance: String, /* opt exclusive*/
passport: String /* opt exclusive*/)
// where (city) and (county, state) are required but are mutually exclusive
// (ssn) and (insurance, passport) are optional but are mutually exclusive. 
// If I set passport, I've to set insurance
sealed trait PersonInfo
object PersonInfo {
sealed trait Empty extends PersonInfo
sealed trait Name extends PersonInfo
sealed trait Address extends PersonInfo
type Required = Empty with Name with Address
case class PersonBuilder[T <: PersonInfo]
(name: String = "", address: String = "", city: String = "", county: String = "", 
state: String = "", ssn: String = "", insurance: String = "",passport: String ="") {
def withName(name: String): PersonBuilder[T with PersonInfo.Name] =
this.copy(name = name)
def withTask(address: String): PersonBuilder[T with PersonInfo.Address ] =
this.copy(address = address)
def withCity(city: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(city = city)
def withCountry(county: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(county = county)
def withState(state: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(state = state)
def withSsn(ssn: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(ssn = ssn)
def withInsurance(insurance: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(insurance = insurance)
def withPassport(passport: String): PersonBuilder[T] =
this.copy(passport = passport)
def build(implicit ev: T =:= PersonInfo.Required): Person =
Person(name, address, city, county, state, ssn, insurance, passport)


val testPerson = PersonBuilder[PersonInfo.Empty]()


sealed abstract class Location extends Product with Serializable {
def value: String
object Location {
final case class City(value: String) extends Location
final case class County(value: String) extends Location
final case class State(value: String) extends Location
sealed abstract class Identity extends Product with Serializable {
def value: String
object Identity {
final case class Ssn(value: String) extends Identity
final case class Insurance(value: String) extends Identity
final case class Passport(value: String) extends Identity
final case class Person(
name: String,
address: Option[String],
location: Location,
identity: Option[Identity],


enum Location(value: String) {
case City(value: String) extends Location(value)
case County(value: String) extends Location(value)
case State(value: String) extends Location(value)
enum Identity(value: String) {
case Ssn(value: String) extends Identity(value)
case Insurance(value: String) extends Identity(value)
case Passport(value: String) extends Identity(value)
final case class Person(
name: String,
address: Option[String],
location: Location,
identity: Option[Identity],


final case class Person(
name: String,
location: Location,
address: Option[String] = None,
identity: Option[Identity] = None,
Person("Alice", Location.City("New York"))
.copy(identity = Some(Identity.Ssn("123456")))


final case class Person(
name: String,
location: Location,
address: Option[String] = None,
identity: Option[Identity] = None
) {
def withAddress(address: String): Person =
this.copy(address = Some(address))
def withIdentity(identity: Identity): Person =
this.copy(identity = Some(identity))
Person("Alice", Location.City("New York")).withIdentity(Identity.Ssn("123456"))



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