

account_manager_id     account_total
0   1                      8
1   2                      3
2   3                      3
3   4                      1
4   5                      7
5   6                      2


point_of contact   account_no 
0   John               100
1   Bob                78 
2   Sally              125
3   Greg               128
4   Bret               78 
5   Corey              100
6   Chad               100
7   Mavis              8
8   Andre              632
9   Hunter             157
10  Debra              12



例如,account_manager_id 4将获得第一个account_no,因为到目前为止他们只有一个帐户。由于是account_no 100,并且有3个poc,account_manager_id 4将获得全部3个,使其总数达到4。

这将使account_manager_id 6成为2上最低的,并且account_no 78将被分配给它们。

我们现在有3个客户经理,有3个账户(2、3、6(。我在这里没有偏好,所以我只将其分配给第一个account_manager。将account_manager_id 2设置为4,将3和6保留为3,依此类推。



account_manager_id     account_total
0   1                      8
1   2                      5
2   3                      5
3   4                      5
4   5                      7
5   6                      5


point_of contact   account_no   account_manager_id
0   John               100          4
1   Bob                78           6
2   Sally              125          2
3   Greg               128          3
4   Bret               78           6
5   Corey              100          4
6   Chad               100          4
7   Mavis              8            2
8   Andre              632          3
9   Hunter             157          4
10  Debra              12           6

正如你所希望看到的,account_managers 8和5从未获得过一个账户,以便其他account_manager赶上他们的总数。


lowest = df_am[df_am["account_total"] == df_am["account_total"].min()]  #to get lowest total
lowest = lowest.iloc[:1]  #keep first account manager if multiples on same total



account_no  counts
0   100         3
1   78          2
2   125         1
3   128         1
4   8           1
5   632         1
6   157         1
7   12          1


for i, row in df_check.iterrows():                                          #do not like using iterrow but see alternative
account = row["account_no"]
count = row["counts"]
lowest = df_am[df_am["account_total"] == df_am["account_total"].min()]  #get the account manager will the fewest accounts
lowest = lowest.iloc[:1]                                                #if more than one with fewest this ensure there is always one account manager
lowest["account_no"] = account                                          #add the account number to assign to the account manager
new_count = lowest["account_total"]                                    #takes the total accounts for the account
lowest = lowest.drop(["account_total"], axis=1)                         #drop from df as we no longer need this.
user = lowest["account_manager_id"].astype('int')[i, "id"] = user                                          #assigns the account manager with the fewest accounts to the account
new_count = new_count + count                                        #takes the account managers old total and adds the account count giving them a new total[user, "account_total"] = new_count                          #adds the new total to the account manager
