


 <cffunction name="emailUpdate" access="public" returntype="string">
    <cfargument name="usr_email" required="yes">
    <cfargument name="status_update" required="yes">
    <cfargument name="form_id" required="yes">

    <cfquery name="emailformData" datasource="RC">
      SELECT    *
      FROM      Basic_Info
      WHERE      ID = <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.form_id#">
    <cfoutput query="emailformData">   
        subject="Status Update"> 
        <cfif status_update EQ 'Submitted'>
          Form Submitted: The following quote request ID: #emailformData.ID#  has been submitted on
          #emailformData.Submission_Date# for the following party #emailformData.Sold_to_Party#. You will receive automated
          updates via email when your submission changes status. <b>- Admin Team</b>
        <cfelseif status_update EQ 'Assigned'>
          Form Assigned by Admin Request ID: #emailformData.ID# for the following party #emailformData.Sold_to_Party# was
          assigned to Admin ID #emailformData.Admin_ID# on #DateFormat(Now())#, #TimeFormat(Now())#.   
          Below is their direct  contact information for any change requests or status updates. <b>- Admin Team</b>
        <cfelseif status_update EQ 'Returned'>
          Returned by Admin Form ID: #emailformData.ID# for the following party #emailformData.Sold_to_Party# was
          returned by Admin ID #emailformData.Admin_ID# on #DateFormat(Now())#, #TimeFormat(Now())#
          for the following reasons. Admin Notes: #emailformData.Admin_Notes#.
          <b>- Admin Team</b>
        <cfelseif status_update EQ 'Completed'>
          Form Completed Form ID: #emailformData.ID# for the following party #emailformData.Sold_to_Party# has been
          marked as COMPLETED on #DateFormat(Now())#, #TimeFormat(Now())#. The following Quote Number has been
          assigned to this form #emailformData.Quote_Num#.  The quote will be emailed to you.  If the Admin added any closing notes to the form they will appear below:
          <b>- RFQ Admin Team</b>


<cfmail ...>
    Here's the email data #form.name# asked for:
    <cfoutput query="emailformData">
    Sent on #dateFormat(now())#

请参阅Adobe网站上cfmail标记的示例使用,以及Ray Camden网站上的讨论


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