


public class MediaController
    public function MediaController()
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('getUserMedia', this.getUserMedia);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('getCamera', this.getCamera);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('setCamera', this.setCamera);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('getMicrophone', this.getMicrophone);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback('setMicrophone', this.setMicrophone);
    private var _mic:Microphone;
    private var _cam:Camera;
    public function getUserMedia()
      _mic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
        _cam = Camera.getCamera();
    public function getCamera():Camera
        return this._cam;
    public function setCamera(cam:Camera):void
        this._cam = cam;
    public function getMicrophone():Microphone
        return this._mic;
    public function setMicrophone(mic:Microphone):void
        this._mic = mic;


var localUser = $('#localUser')[0];
var mic = localUser.getMicrophone();
var cam = localUser.getCamera();


var remoteUser = $('#remoteUser')[0];

这样做有什么已知的陷阱吗?有更好的处理方法吗?(在你问之前,是的,在没有其他建议的情况下,我计划将其编码,并且我会让每个人知道我的发现-只是想知道在开始之前是否有任何已知的陷阱或替代方案。: -)





// A typical 1:1 communication will involve four instances of the FlashMediaObject class:
// Instance1 (Initiator Sender): Displays local video, streams local video out to Instance4
// Instance2 (Initiator Receiver): Receives and displays video from Instance3
// Instance3 (Responder Sender): Displays local video, streams local video out to Instance2
// Instance4 (Responder Receiver): Receives and displays video from Instance1
// The workflow needs to go something like this:
// (1) Both: Room.onSessionAdded():     
//          SignalR makes both the JS clients for both the Initiator and the Responder aware of each other (i.e., their SessionId's).
// (2) Initiator: writeLocalMediaElement() -> fmo1.Connect():
//          Instance1 connects to Adobe's rtmfp service, gets its nearId, and passes it up to JS.
// (3) Responder: writeLocalMediaElement() -> fmo3.connect():
//          Instance3 connects to Adobe's rtmfp service, gets its peerId, and passes it up to JS.
// (4) Responder: prepareForCall() -> fmo4.connect():           
//          Instance4 connects to Adobe's rtmfp service, gets its peerId, and passes it up to JS.
// (5) Initiator: call() -> prepareForCall() -> fmo2.Connect():
//          Instance2 connects to Adbobe's rtmfp service, gets its nearId, and passes it up to JS.
// (6) Initiator: call() -> server.flashOffer():
//          The Initiator's JS controller contacts the Responder's JS (via SignalR), and passes it the two rtmfp ID's.
// (7) Responder: handleFlashOffer() -> fmo3.call():            
//          The Responder's JS controller passes the peerId for Instance2 (Initiator Receiver) to Instance3 (Responder Sender).
//          Instance3 begins publishing its video to Instance 2.
// (8) Responder: handleFlashOffer() -> fmo4.prepareForCall():
//          The Responder's JS controller passes the peerId for Instance1 (Initiator Sender) to Instance4 (Responder Receiver)
//          Instance4 prepares to receive a call from Instance1.
// (10) Responder: handleFlashOffer() -> server.flashAnswer():  
//          The Responder's JS controller contacts the Initiator's JS (via SignalR), and passes it the two peer ID's.
// (11) Initiator: handleFlashAnswer() -> fmo1.call():
//          The Initiator's JS controller passes the peerId for Instance4 (Responder Receiver) to Instance1 (Initiator Sender).
//          Instance1 connects to Instance4 and begins streaming video.
// (12) Initiator: handleFlashAnswer() -> fmo2.prepareForCall()
//          The Responder's JS controller passes the peerID for Instance3 (Responder Sender) to Instance2
//          Instance2 prepares to receive video from Instance3
// (9) Initiator: fmo2.onCall():
//          Instance2 begins playing video from Instance3.
// (13) Responder: fmo4.onCall():
//          Instance4 begins playing video from Instance1
