斯卡拉 - 处理"multiple overloaded alternatives of method ... define default arguments"


sealed trait Annotation {
    def notes : Seq[String]
trait Something extends Annotation{
    //do something funny
case class A(val i:Int)(val notes:Seq[String] = Nil) extends Something
object A{
    def apply(a:A)(notes:Seq[String] = Nil):A = A(a.i)(notes)
case class B(val b:Boolean)(val notes:Seq[String] = Nil) extends Something
object B{
    def apply(b:B)(notes:Seq[String] = Nil):B = B(b.b)(notes)
case class C(val s:String)(val notes:Seq[String] = Nil) extends Something
object C{
    def apply(c:C)(notes:Seq[String] = Nil) :C = C(c.s)(notes)


Main.scala:10: error: in object A, multiple overloaded alternatives of method apply define
default arguments.
object A{
Main.scala:15: error: in object B, multiple overloaded alternatives of method apply define
default arguments.
object B{
Main.scala:20: error: in object C, multiple overloaded alternatives of method apply define
default arguments.
object C{
three errors found




case class A(i: Int)(val notes: Seq[String]) extends Something
object A {
  def apply(i: Int): A = new A(i)(Nil)
  def apply(a: A)(notes: Seq[String]): A = new A(a.i)(notes)
  def apply(a: A): A = new A(a.i)(Nil)

然而,现在,由于柯里化,你只有一个函数Int => AInt => Seq[String] => A(和类似的A => A)在作用域中具有相同的名称。


case class B(b: Boolean, notes: Seq[String]) extends Something
object B {
  def apply(b: Boolean): B = B(b, Nil)
  def apply(b: B, notes: Seq[String] = Nil): B = B(b.b, notes)


println(B(true))                  // B(true,List())
println(B(true, List("hello")))   // B(true,List(hello))
println(B(B(false)))              // B(false,List())


class C(val s:String, val notes:Seq[String] = Nil) extends Something {
  override def toString = s"C($s)"
  override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
    case C(`s`) => true
    case _ => false
  override def hashCode = s.hashCode
object C{
  def apply(s: String, notes: Seq[String]) = new C(s, notes)
  def apply(s: String): C = C(s, Nil)
  def apply(c:C, notes:Seq[String] = Nil): C = C(c.s, notes)
  def unapply(c: C): Option[String] = Some(c.s)


val c1 = C("hello")
val c2 = C("hello", List("world"))
println(c1)                 // C(hello)
println(c2)                 // C(hello)
println(c1 == c2)           // true
c1 match {                  // hello
  case C(n) => println(n)
  case _ =>

