


where as I would like the tooltip to show version 
1.1 for column tpReq 
1.0 for column opReq
1.2 for column Rex
1.2 for column tpReq
My xVaue is an array of ['tpReq','opReq','Rex','tpReq']
My yValue is an array of [5,8,5,1]
My tipValue is an array of ['1.1','1.0','1.2','1.2']


function drawchar(myXAxis,myYAxis,myTooltip)
   var xValue = JSON.parse(XAxis);
   var yValue = JSON.parse(YAxis);
   var tipValue = JSON.parse(myTooltip);
   var reqTypeChart = new HighCharts.Chart ({
     xAxis: {
                    categories: xValue,
                    title: { 'My Requests'
                        text: null
                series: [{
                    name: 'Status',
                    data: yValue
                legend: { enabled: false },
               tooltip: {
                    formatter: function () {
                        return '<b>' + this.xValue + '</b><br/>' +
                                'IssueCount: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.yValue, 0) + '</b><br/>' + 
                                'AppVersion: ' + tipValue ;


function drawchar(myXAxis, myYAxis, myTooltip) {
    var xValue = JSON.parse(myXAxis);
    var yValue = JSON.parse(myYAxis);
    var tipValue = JSON.parse(myTooltip);
    var data = [];
    $.each(xValue, function (index, val) {
        var tempObj = {
            x: val,
            y: yValue[index],
            tipValue: tipValue[index]
    // **UPDATED ** 
   data.sort(function(a, b){ 
      if(a.x < b.x) return -1; 
      if(a.x > b.x) return 1; return 0; 
    var reqTypeChart = new HighCharts.Chart({
        xAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'My Requests'
        series: [
                name: 'Status',
                data: data
        legend: {
            enabled: false
        tooltip: {
            formatter: function () {
                return '<b>' + this.point.x + '</b><br/>' +
                    'IssueCount: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.point.y, 0) + '</b><br/>' +
                    'AppVersion: ' + this.point.tipValue;


将所有三个值组合成一个对象数组,并将该数组设置为highchart api系列中的数据源。你会在工具提示的formatter方法中得到传递对象。点对象。


formatter: function () {
          var index = xValue.indexOf(this.xValue);
          var tip = tipValue[index];
          return '<b>' + this.xValue + '</b><br/>' +
      'IssueCount: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.yValue, 0) + '</b><br/>' + 
      'AppVersion: ' + tip ;
