我是Python的新手。我想在下面的代码中找到Python关键字['def','in', 'if'...]
def grade(result):
if if (<--- example to test if the word "if" will be ignored in the counts)
:param result: none
if result >= 80:
grade = "HD"
elif 70 <= result:
grade = "DI"
elif 60 <= result:
grade = "CR"
elif 50 <= result:
grade = "PA"
#else (ignore this word)
grade = "NN"
return grade
result = float(raw_input("Enter a final result: "))
while result < 0 or result > 100:
print "Invalid result. Result must be between 0 and 100."
result = float(raw_input("Re-enter final result: "))
print "The corresponding grade is", grade(result)
生成器生成包含以下成员的5元组:令牌类型;标记字符串;由指定行的int组成的2元组(row, scol)和标记在源中开始的列;一个二元组,指定令牌结束的行和列的整数的Ecol)源;还有找到记号的那条线。队伍过去了(元组的最后一项)是逻辑行;延长线是包括在内。
import tokenize
with open('source.py') as f:
print list(tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline))
部分输出:[(1, 'def', (1, 0), (1, 3), 'def grade(result):n'),
(1, 'grade', (1, 4), (1, 9), 'def grade(result):n'),
(51, '(', (1, 9), (1, 10), 'def grade(result):n'),
(1, 'result', (1, 10), (1, 16), 'def grade(result):n'),
(51, ')', (1, 16), (1, 17), 'def grade(result):n'),
(51, ':', (1, 17), (1, 18), 'def grade(result):n'),
(4, 'n', (1, 18), (1, 19), 'def grade(result):n'),
(5, ' ', (2, 0), (2, 4), " '''n"),
''''n if if (<--- example to test if the word "if" will be ignored in the counts)n :param result: nonen :return:nonen '''',
(2, 4),
(6, 7),
' '''n if if (<--- example to test if the word "if" will be ignored in the counts)n :param result: nonen :return:nonen '''n'),
(4, 'n', (6, 7), (6, 8), " '''n"),
(54, 'n', (7, 0), (7, 1), 'n'),
(1, 'if', (8, 4), (8, 6), ' if result >= 80:n'),
import keyword
print keyword.kwlist
print keyword.iskeyword('def')
import tokenize
import keyword
import collections
with open('source.py') as f:
# tokens is lazy generator
tokens = (token for _, token, _, _, _ in tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline))
c = collections.Counter(token for token in tokens if keyword.iskeyword(token))
print c # Counter({'elif': 3, 'print': 2, 'return': 1, 'else': 1, 'while': 1, 'or': 1, 'def': 1, 'if': 1})